The Bureau of Reclamation: History Essays from the Centennial Symposium - Part 1: Papers on Dam Histories, Concrete and Embankment Dam Evolution, (Paperback)
The Regional Geochemistry of Soils and Willow in a Metamorphic Bedrock Terrain, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2005, and Its Possible Relation to Moose (Paperback)
Airborne Digital-Image Data for Monitoring the Colorado River Corridor Below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, 2009? Image-Mosaic Production and Comparison wi (Paperback)
Plant Distributions in the Southwestern United States: A Scenario Assessment of the Modern-Day and Future Distribution Ranges of 166 Species (Paperback)
Strategic Directions for U.S. Geological Survey Water Science, 2012-2022- Observing, Understanding, Predicting, and Delivering Water Science to the Na (Paperback)
Spatial and Stage-Structured Population Model of the American Crocodile for Comparison of Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Alternitives (Paperback)