Romansy 12: Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators (Paperback) - Theory and Practice of Robots and Maniputators : Proceedings of the Twelfth Cism-Iftomm Symposium
His[toric]al and Phy[s]ic[al] Dissertat[i]on on the Case of Catherine Vizzani, Containing the Adventures of a Young Woman, ... With Some Curious and A (Hardcover)
His[toric]al and Phy[s]ic[al] Dissertat[i]on on the Case of Catherine Vizzani, Containing the Adventures of a Young Woman, ... with Some Curious and A (Paperback)
The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani, a Young Gentlewoman a Native of Rome, Who for Many Years Past in the Habit of a Man; Was Killed (Hardcover)
The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani, a Young Gentlewoman a Native of Rome, Who for Many Years Past in the Habit of a Man; Was Killed (Paperback)
Romansy 6: Proceedings of the Sixth Cism-Iftomm Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators (Paperback, Softcover Repri) - Proceedings of the Sixth Cism-iftomm Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators