Suggestions Respecting Improvements in Education (Paperback) - Presented to the Trustees of the Hartford Female Seminary, and Published at Their Request
The new Housekeeper's Manual: Embracing a new Revised Edition of the American Woman's Home; or, Principles of Domestic Science. Being a Guide to Eco (Paperback)
The Biographical Remains of George Beecher: Late Pastor of a Church in Chillicothe, Ohio, and Former Pastor of a Church in Rochester, New York (1844) (Hardcover)
Truth Stranger Than Fiction: A Narrative of Recent Transactions, Involving Inquiries in Regard to the Principles of Honor, Truth, and Justice (1850 (Hardcover)
Suggestions Respecting Improvements in Education: Presented to the Trustees of the Hartford Female Seminary, and Published at Their Request (Paperback)