Courts & Camps of the Italian Renaissance: Being a Mirror of the Life and Times of the Ideal Gentleman Court Baldassare Castiglione Derived Largely Fr (Hardcover)
De Balthassaris Castilionis (Castiglione) Opere Cui Titulus Il Libro Del Cortegiano Facultati Litterarum Parisiensi Disputationem Proponebat A. Joly . (Paperback)
The Courtier of Count Baldessar Castilio, Devided Into Foure Books: Verie Necessarie and Profitable for Young Gentlemen and Gentlewomen Abiding in Cou (Paperback)
Il Cortegiano, or the Courtier: Written by Conte Baldassar Castiglione and a New Version of the Same Into English Together with Several of His Celebra (Paperback)
De Balthassaris Castilionis (Castiglione) Opere Cui Titulus Il Libro Del Cortegiano Facultati Litterarum Parisiensi Disputationem Proponebat A. Joly . (Hardcover)
Courts & Camps of the Italian Renaissance: Being a Mirror of the Life and Times of the Ideal Gentleman Court Baldassare Castiglione Derived Largely Fr (Paperback)